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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is mental health experience that can be chronic from childhood to adulthood. The core symptoms of ADHD involve problems in attention hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Adults who experience ADHD have been found to be at risk for a variety of other difficulties within their lives.

Adult ADHD symptoms include difficulty with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms can present in various ways, such as difficulty staying focused on tasks, trouble organising or completing tasks, impulsivity, restlessness, and easily getting distracted. Individuals with ADHD may also experience symptoms such as forgetfulness, mood swings, and emotional regulation difficulties. It's important to note that these symptoms must be persistent and impair the individual's functioning in various aspects of life. A proper diagnosis can be made by a qualified mental health professional through a comprehensive evaluation.


The assessment


The assessment is made up of three parts. Firstly, there will be a period of clinical interview, where we will discuss your childhood, adolescents, and adulthood to ascertain areas that you may struggle with. We may talk about school, employment, relationships, and daily functioning. Throughout this discussion, the Psychologist will be writing notes to ensure the information is collected properly. Then, a Psychometric measure will be used (see information below). This includes a set of questions that we may expand on and discuss in further detail.


When we finish the first two parts of the assessment, you will be sent a link with further questions on it. These are intended to be completed by someone who spends a lot of time with you (e.g., a partner, family member, carer). This will be the final section of the assessment. When the answers to these questions have been completed and sent, the report writing stage will begin.



The Conners Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R; Conners 1997).


The instrument being used for this assessment was developed with the following issues and concerns in mind:

  • This instrument provides a reliable and valid assessment of ADHD-related symptoms across clinically important domains (e.g., home, work, and interpersonal functioning).

  • The instrument discriminates between clinical and nonclinical groups. This is an essential quality of a useful instrument.

  • The instrument allows for multimodal assessment (e.g., self-report and observer ratings), since multiple sources of information are essential for an accurate clinical picture.

  • The instruments address ADHD symptoms directly linked to the criteria for the disorder in the DSM.


The CAARS are a unique integration of theoretical knowledge, clinical experience, empirical sophistication, and psychometric techniques. They are reliable and valid measures of adult ADHD related symptoms and behaviours.


This information has been obtained from the Conners Rating Scales-Revised (CRS-R; Conners, 1997) handbook.




For screening assessment of Adult ADHD alone (without inclusion of other Psychological assessment), the fee will include the half-hour clinical slot to conduct the clinical interview and questioning, the utilisation of the CAARS-S screening form to assess the core symptoms of ADHD and problem related areas, the time taken to collate, score, assess, analyse and write up the assessment, the access to the online client portal for the observer form to be completed, access to the assessment outcome digitally, the printing, preparation and postage of the physical copy of the assessment to be sent to you, a written letter from the practice for your use in further communication with medical professionals if required. In total, this will come to £495


Important Information


The Psychometric measure and clinical interview for this assessment will not result in a diagnosis for ADHD. This assessment process is utilised as a screening procedure, to ascertain whether full assessment may be required. With the outcome of this assessment, you will not have a definitive diagnosis, and cannot use this assessment to receive any formal medication or treatment pathways. This assessment can be used in discussions with your General Practitioner (GP), and your GP will make the decision of whether formal assessment, diagnosis, and treatment pathways (e.g., medication) is required. This current assessment will not grant you access to any formal ADHD specific treatments, courses or services.


Please note that the assessor will assume that all questions have been answered truthfully and offer a true representation of your experiences. Should there be any untruthful or exaggerated answers given, this will not be captured in the results of the assessment and therefore it will not be a true representation of your experiences.

Book a screening assessment today

Adults can also be affected by ADHD, which includes symptoms such as difficulty with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it's important to get assessed by a qualified professional to see if you have ADHD and get the support and help you need to manage it.


The first step is to let the clinic know that you are interested in assessment and to develop a profile on the 'Client Portal'. You can book a half an hour slot, either online or in person (if you are based in Nottingham, UK). On booking, a deposit of £100 will be taken to secure the slot. After booking, a contract will be emailed to you.


Please note, this is a screening assessment and will not result in a diagnosis of ADHD. 



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